Monday, March 31, 2008

Weathered The Storm?

Recent polls have suggested that Americans have accepted the explanation that Obama have given regarding Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and the media has declared that he has "weathered" the storm. I am not so sure. As a matter of fact, I'll make a calculation that he has not.

Maybe Democratic voters are inclined to accept the tortured explanations he's been giving, and the changes in the story regarding what he heard and when he heard it but I doubt Independent and Republicans will be as charitable. One can never underestimate the patriotism of Americans in a crisis. The "God Damn America" comment and the Reverend's assertion that America "deserves" what happened on 911 will be a major issue in the General Election. I also suspect, and maybe I'm wrong, that respondents are not being entirely forthcoming when they are asked about the Wright controversy. We shall see in Pennsylvania. One caveat: The Democratic party would be wise to let the election run it's course in case something else emerges about Obama. There is a trial going on in Chicago for his backer Tony Rezko. Who knows what other surprises are lurking around the corner?

Related articles:

The "Good Ol" Boys In The Democratic Party and The Media

Is it surprising that Patricl Leahy and Chris Dodd are calling on Hillary Clinton to "drop out of the race" and "support Obama?" This kind of condescending and predictable behavior is unfortunately very predictable. The "good ol boy" network is alive and well in the Democratic Party. This kind of blatant sexism and disrespect is really breathtaking! I thought the Democratic Party was more progressive as a result of Affirmative Action. I think we have ample evidence that this is not the case.

The Male-dominated hierarchy in the Democratic Party is exhibiting sexism in its worse form; attempting to "shame"and publicly ridicule Hillary Clinton into abandoning "her dreams" to become the "First Female President." Women have long abandoned their dreams to further the career of men, only to end up regretting that choice. Hillary Clinton's run for the Nomination is more historic than Barack Obama for this reason: He is a man. All things being equal, black or white, men have fewer Obstacles than women when it comes to securing executive positions. Even during the dark days of segregation, America gave black men the franchise before all women. That says a lot. It shows women's abilities and contributions are not valued equally as men's. While some women have have broken the proverbial "glass ceiling" and have become CEO's, this only represents a small fraction compared to male CEOs.

I see a similar paralel in the race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The calls for her to quit the race is coming from a place that I believe is devaluing her a woman running for the most powerful job in the world, that these men are saying; "Be a good little girl and let us men control the party." I think the idea of a woman being President and being the leader of the Democratic Party scares the heck out of these men.

I don't know how this race will conclude, but I know one thing, ending it prematurely will not fly with women voters. I wonder what Reverend Jeremiah Wright would say if that happens and Barack Obama gets the nomination? I suspect he would be perfectly fine with the outcome as long as long as Barack Obama were the beneficary as opposed to Hillary Clinton.

I hate to say it, and no offense meant, but Americans are like sheep when it comes to using their own minds. The media feeds them garbage and the buy it hook line and sinker. What they don't stop and ask themselves is this: if the media hates one candidate and say this explicity (Chris Matthews and others), would you expect these same individuals to cover the campaigns fairly? I don't think so. I have heard some in the media say the Clinton Camapign treats them bad, don't give them access, and therefore the negative coverage is payback. On the other hand, they show unabashed affection for Obama and are unapologetic about the favorable coverage he has received. Obama had been shielded by his campaign until the Reverend Wright controversy but not one media outlet "complained" about lack of access. Now, he is "suddenly" Mr. accessible. The new "dig" by Chris Matthews is that Hillary has been invited to be on his "College Tour" and she has not said yes. Why would he expect her to appear on his show and give him BIG ratings, when he has been trashing her with regularity?

Friday, March 28, 2008


I am so sick of the MEN who control the Democratic Party. They are trying to "shut down the race" and force Hillary out because they know Obama will lose BIG in PA, IN, WY and possibly lose NC, and IF they go with him, he will be a weak candidate. Dodd, Biden, Leahy, Reid, Richardson and all of them make me sick. They all stick together! BO has all this "stuff" going on, and America "seems" to have "given him a pass" because the media downplays the significance of his non-patriotism and "lauded" his speech as some great revelation. The "buy" his explanation that he has never heard these words from the Reverend. I am going on record to say he is LYING. America and more importantly, the Democratic Party, can take him at his word if they choose but I don't believe him.

Everybody knew this stuff existed, if you live in America. He did not tell us anything we did not already know. What Whites did not know was the depth of the resentment blacks harbor towards them. What they have discovered is blacks' anger toward America, even the "rich" ones. It is something that is hidden, only spoken of among blacks and sympathetic whites.

The Democratic Party is and those within it are hypocrites. These are the same people who said, "count all the votes" in Florida in 2000. They accuse Republicans of disenfranchising voters and they are doing it in spades in this election. They accuse Florida and Michigan of breaking the "rules" and yet, they want to break their own rules and "tell" these Superdelegates who they themselves "anointed" to exercise "independent judgement," that they should go with the "will of the voters." I am so sick of the MEN who control the Democratic Party. They are trying to "shut down the race" because they know he will lose in PA, IN, WY and possibly NC and IF they go with him, he will be a weak candidate. Dodd, Biden, Leahy, Reid, Richardson and all of them make me sick. They all stick together! BO has all this "stuff" going on, and America "seems" to have "given him a pass" because the media downplays the significance of his non-patriotism and "lauded" his speech as some great revelation.

The Democratic Party is and those within it are hypocrites. These are the same people who said, "count all the votes" in Florida in 2000. They accuse Republicans of disenfranchising voters and they are doing it in spades. They accuse Florida and Michigan of breaking the "rules" and yet, they want to break their own rules and "tell" these Superdelegates who they themselves "anointed" to exercise "independent judgement" that they should go with the "will of the voters."
If I were Hillary, I'd challenge them on this very point. I would force them to do exactly that. Compel the Superdelegates to vote according to the "will of the people" in each state that BO and Hillary won. In other words, compel the Superdelegate to vote for Hillary in CA, NY, MA, NJ, AK, OH, TX RI, AZ, TN, OK, NM etc. to vote for Hillary and whoever wins, is the nominee. It is not fair to base the decision on the delegates from the "red" states that BO cannot win in November. If they don't seat the delegates in Florida and Michigan, they will not only lose the election, but significant drop in registered Democrats. I told them as much again this morning when I called their "Comment line."

If I were Hillary Clinton, I'd challenge them on this very point. Force them to do exactly that. Compel the Superdelegates to vote according to the "will of the people" in each state that BO and Hillary won. In other words, compel the Superdelegate to vote for Hillary in CA, NY, MA, NJ, AK, OH, TX RI, AZ, TN, OK, NM etc. to vote for Hillary and give BO the Superdelegates he won and whoever has the most delegates, wins the nomination. It is also not fair to base the decision solely on the results from "red" states that BO has no prayer of winning in November. Some weight needs to be given to the wins in traditional "Blue" States.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The "Tonya Harding" Reference is Sickening and Repulsive!

The Tonya Harding Rerence by a Democratic Insiser has convinced me that Nothing will be donme about Florids and Michigan, hence I will sever my affiliation to the Democratic Party. This is way out of line. He is a wounded candidate who cannot win, therefore, if The DNC and the Democratic Party foist him on us, I'm DONE.

Read the article:

Severance Letter To Howard Dean and The Democratic Party

It is clear to me that calls from people like myself will have no sway you and the Democratic Party to have re-votes in Florida and Michigan. Obama and his lawyers have succesfully stopped the effort to re-vote in Florida and Michigan, even after you "supposedly" signalled your approval. How can this be? Didn't the Democratic Party cry foul when the Republicans played this card in 2000? This single even was the reason I became a U.-S. citizen and immediately upon taking the oath, I registered as a Democrat. Now I find out that the ideals that I thought existed with the Democratic Party is a myth. It has become crystal clear to me that the strategy you, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others have been employing behind the scenes is to do nothing, run out the clock and force Hillary Clinton to exit the race. If that is what you choose to do, you are welcome to Barack Obama. I will never vote for someone who condone the kind of vitriol that he has listened to for 20 years. Maybe America will forgive and forget what they heard, but as an Immigrant who gave up my citizenship to become an American, I can't in good conscience condone Obama's lack of Judgment. I will unsubscribe from your email list. Good luck with your wounded candidate. When he gets the nomination, I will also change my registration to Independent. Maybe the Republicans will respect my opinion more than the Democratic Party. At least they (Republicans) make no secret about their ideals ( Preserving Wealth).

David Brooks' article attempts to shame Hillary into exiting the race.

Switch Democratic Party:

Other Articles:

Petition To Seat Florida And Michigan Dealegates

I have called and written the DNC (Howard Dean) about the lack of leadership being exhibited within the Democratic Party. I have called on him to have re-votes in Florida and Michigan OR seating the Florida delegates that were awarded in January and re-voting only in Michigan. I have not received so much as a reply from the DNC. I fear their solution is to let the "clock run out" and force Hillary to quit the race. We need to make it clear to the DNC that this will not be an acceptable alternative to Hillary's supporters. If this happens, I will quit the Democratic Party for good. Please sign this petition to impress upon the DNC that any disenfranchisement of voters in Florida and Michigan will not be tolerated.

The Two Americas

The mere "suggestion" by any black person of racism and whites will fall over themselves to ward off any suggestion of racism. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would then "appear" to take up the cause. Any corporation or business affiliated with that individual would be boycotted until it disciplined or fired such an individual or face backlash. This is what happened to Don Imus.
A few months ago, I posted a blog referencing the relationship between blacks and the Clintons in which I made the point that blacks have abandoned the Clintons. I said at the time that I knew how my own race "thinks" and was criticized for the comments. Now that Reverend Wright's sermons have been made "public," I hope America understands that blacks behave differently in private than they do in public. Maybe it should not have come as such a shock that these sentiments exist within the black community.

This Wall Street Journal describes the phenomena very eloquently indeed.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where is the Transparency?

The release of Obama's Tax returns sheds very little light their finances. The returns sheds no new light on the purchase of their house plus the supporting documents that should accompany the returns were not released. Where is the transparency he has promised?

Hillary Finally Comments On The Pastor

Hillary Clinton, in an interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune Review editorial board, said Barack Obama chose Reverend Wright as his pastor, and that he (Wright) would not have been her pastor. In her remarks she said "he would not have been my pastor. … You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend."

According to the paper, Clinton continued: "You know, I spoke out against Don Imus [who was fired from his radio and television shows after making racially insensitive remarks], saying that hate speech was unacceptable in any setting, and I believe that. … I just think you have to speak out against that. You certainly have to do that, if not explicitly, then implicitly by getting up and moving."

Is Hillary making the case that Obama showed poor judgement by choosing to remain a member of Reverend Wright's church. I would hazard a guess that she is making that argument. This would seriously undercut the advantage Obama's has had over Hillary when he touts his superior judgement in "speaking out against the war."

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Controversy is Not Over

As much as the media spins this, The Rev Wright Anti-American rants and Obama's close ties with him are not and will not go away.
Circulating a picture of Bill Clinton shaking Rev Wright's hand will not "change the subject" he refuses to answer. "Why were you in a church for 20 years agreeing to anti-American sentiments? Trying to shift the blame to others or deflecting questions to other issues won't work. Bill Clinton did not hear the rantings, and if he did, he would have left the church. Bill Clinton was also not a church member for 20 years. Try as he might BO cannot and will not escape the fundamental question: Why were you there for 20 years if you disagreed with him?

Related Articles,2933,341050,00.html

More "justifications" about ReV. Wright

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Speech Was Hyped....And The Flags were a Bit Much

I thought "the greatest speech on race" was hyped by the media. It was not "transcendent" as they would like us to believe. I watched and listened very closely and what I heard and saw was blame been heaped on others and the finger pointed at others. Not once did I hear any explanation of his culpability for his association and the non-repudiation of the Anti-American sentiments before he was on the ropes and his political survival depended on it.

I am trying to use careful language because I sense we're being monitored closely. Any way, I think Richardson's endorsement at this time, was to stop the hemorrhaging. IF his endorsement was going to have much of an impact, it would have been before Texas and Ohio, despite his protestations to the contrary. He's (Richardson) been telling the media that Hillary's campaign made that remark and suggests he has a much wider appeal. I think not Bill! If he was that influential, wouldn't he have won his own state as an incumbent Governor? The man got 0.79% of the vote (1,236) votes! Do these media pundits even know what they are talking about? It is a huge story ONLY because of his affiliation to the Clinton Administration. Ted Kennedy's endorsement hasn't sown up the nomination for BO. Neither has Kerry's, Dodd's et al. He had the huge union support in Texas and Ohio and all the newspapers in Texas and still lost the popular vote. I think these people just say things because that's what they want people who don't seek out the facts to believe.

Will someone please take the knife out of Hillary's back! There is no loyalty in politics! He (Richardson) has been telling the media that he kept going back and forth before he called Hillary. He claims that the conversation got "heated" when Hillary asked him why he was endorsing BO. Yesterday, he claimed his feelings for Hill and Bill would not waver, but quickly "suggested" she get out of the race! He (Richardson) must be crazy, or delusional or both. Why would Hillary exit the race now when she is better off now than she was before Texas and Ohio, especially when people are finally paying attention and seeing BO for the phony we all thought he was! Watch the Sunday morning talk shows tomorrow! Richardson will be very prominent, basking in his 15 minutes in the spotlight.

Related Articles:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Judgement: Why Obama Needs to Be Vetted

As far as I'm concerned, this is just another of Obama’s clever Campaign Speeches. He did not "answer" the questions about the hateful rhetoric he's been listening to for 20 years. Instead, he chided America about racism and segregation, explained rather than answers specific questions, but took no responsibility for his lack of judgment. I for one was not impressed by his airing of America's "dirty linen."

Didn't he tell people on Friday when he made the rounds of the cable news, that he was not in attendance and "never" heard any of these sermons, otherwise he would have left the church? Yet, today, he admitted he did in fact hear these hateful words. By the way, Michele Obama is on the tape, in attendance, when Rev. Wright was spurting off about America's "chicken's coming home to the roost." I guess the media did not recognize her on that tape? To me, the man has zero credibility and zero judgment and takes no responsibility for his action.

I predict it will not silence the debate but will only generate more discussion about the issue. He seemed rather defiant and combative to me, especially when he talked about the media replaying the REV's words over and over. He had no qualms about using the same media on Friday to quash the subject, and again today in his attempt to change the subject.

This speech will not put this matter to rest and will hurt him in upcoming states. America is finally seeing the "real" Barack Obama, not the uniter of America as he's been portraying himself to be. He managed to "hide" another one of his "sudden" revelations on Friday specifically that Rezko was much more involved in his life and campaign than he's been asserting; the fact that he's raised more money than he's said he's raised. And yet, he has the temerity to be critical of Hillary Clinton's tax records when he has not released his records prior to 2006 or revealed how his earmarks has been spent.

Everyone keeps talking about the speech as if it's the greatest ever given: Bull! It was nothing more than an attempt to throw the ball in American's/America's court and absolve him of his poor judgment. The fact is he's been selling himself as this person who going to "bring the country together" but he's nothing more than a snake oil salesman out for political power.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Can We Get Back To The Real Issues?

I'm tired of all the talk about race and the fact that Barack Obama is demanding that Hillary should be forthcoming about her tax records and the daily logs when she was First Lady. However, he's still refusing to answer questions about Rezko and his associations back in Chicago, releasing his tax records that preceded 2006, the documents pertaining to the purchase of his house, or revealing a list of his donors.

I'm tired of the divisiveness within the party with Blacks voting 91% for Obama, yet, no one can point out the obvious: That he's winning states and delegates because he's getting a large percentage of the black vote because he's a black man. I'm tired of people being censored for telling the truth. Geraldine Ferraro is exactly right about what is going on. I thought everyone in America had a right to "free speech?" Should that go out the window because Obama happens to be black?

I'm tired of hearing the same thing state after state: He's projected to win because he will get the black vote in large numbers, young voters, upscale voters, maybe white men. Hillary will get older voters, Hispanic voters, "lunch Bucket/downscale voters and women voters. Will she keep her coalition together or will he siphon votes from her? How can a Party that is fractured along racial, generational, economic, and gender lines, win in November if this division continues?

I'm almost at the point where I DON'T CARE ANYMORE because I am visualizing a scenario whereby blacks will say white people "took away" the nomination from Obama if Hillary is the choice of the Superdelegates, as if the process was engineered to favor Hillary Clinton. The claim will be the process is unfair and there will be claims of "breaking young voters hearts." I can also see a scenario whereby whites, especially white women, will stay home if Obama gets the nomination because they will perceive that strong arm tactics were used by Obama surrogates to deprive Hillary of the nomination or that Obama's race helped him to get the nomination.

My question is: When will the questions be answered on both sides and when will we get back to the REAL issues that matter: Foreclosures, high gas prices, high food prices, the Economy?

Obama Will Use Race For Political Gain

Every time the race issue comes up, Obama and his campaign exploits it for political gain, and once again, the media jumps on it and gives it traction. I have not heard one news outlet comment on the fact that he used coded language in the South to stir up hatred among black people in order to get 91% of the black vote in Mississippi. I'm specifically refering to the "Bamboozle" and "Hoodwink" language. He and his campaign then jump on Geraldine Ferraro's comment, which by the way is true, then he waited until AFTER she resigns then says he does not think her comment was racist. He could have said something and ended the dialogue or not respond to it if he in fact felt that way but he chose to let it play out in the media for several days.

I have said in another forum, it is a tactic to distract from the real issues, namely his lack of experience, thin resume, no display of leadership, questionable votes and non-votes and a tactic to avoid answering questions about his associations with Rezko, Auchi, Farrakhan, William Ayers etc. As long as the media keeps talking about race, he can just act as if he's above it all and get the angry black vote.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Obama Responds With Scorn To VP Suggestion

I don't know how this debacle will end but if there is one thing I'm sure about, it is this: The states that Obama have won to "rack up" delegates will not be in the Dem's column in November. This more than likely explains why there has been no call for Hillary Clinton to "drop out" since Junior Super Tuesday. The week before, every Obama surrogate and potential endorser (Kerry & Richardson), among others, were pressuring Clinton to "step aside." Since then, they have all been silent on the issue. Why is that? Because the Super delegates are pragmatists. They know that Obama has not been able to win any Big Blue state. They were all set to throw their support behind him and end the race but they are once again in a "wait and see posture."
I am not among the majority of Democrats who believe the Clinton/Obama ticket will be a "dream ticket." I get the sense these two individuals dislike each other so I'm not surprised Obama has responded with scorn. The Samantha Powers comment illustrates what I believe is the overriding feeling in the Obama Campaign toward Hillary Clinton. Besides, he's too ambitious to settle for the VP position since he's decided to run this early in his career instead of doing the job he was elected to do. I also don't see Hillary Clinton being any one's VP, unless that person is "her" VP.

Obama Using The Race Card Again

Once again, Obama is resorting to using the "race card" as he did in South Carolina. When Obama campaigned with OPRAH in South Carolina, they both altered their tenor and spoke using "Blackspeak." Neither of them spoke that way in Iowa and New Hampshire. Obama used the race card in a speech at a South Carolina church: "They are trying to bamboozle you. It's the old okie doke. Ya'll know about okie doke, right? They will try to bamboozle you. Hoodwink you. Alright, I'm having fun, here." THAT is RACIST LANGUAGE! Using words from Malcolm X to a predominantly black audience is being used to stir up Blacks' anger toward Bill and Hillary Clinton. This lkind of language is this not "new politics," but more akin to Ken Starr tactics! Louis Farrakhan is famous for using these exact words: Bamboozle and hoodwinked. "They are trying to lead you astray" is language used to warn blacks to disbelieve everything whites may say.

NY Governor Spitzer Linked to Prostitution

For the life of me, I cannot understand why powerful men take such stupid risks and jeopardize their political futures. The irony is when you hold yourself up as some paragon of virtue and a tough prosecutor as Spitzer has, there will not be much sympathy coming his way. What this sad story underscores is that no individual is perfect and we are all flawed human beings. I just hope people will quit gloating and think about the problems in their relationships before they dig the man's grave.

Is Obama Ready to be President?

Newsweek poll show Hillary with a 12 point lead on the question of readiness. Can Obama respond to attacks without abandoning the High Road he established as the foundation of his campaign? Can he demonstrate his readiness to lead by winning big states that Democrats have to win to secure the White House, or is it enough for him to win "red" states that Democrats have no recent history of carrying. Also, what about the persistent questions about his association with Rezko, Auchi, Ayers and others?