Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Obama's Baby Daddy Speech

Obama has pissed off black men. How dare he tell them they should step up to the plate aand support their kids! I hope they are paying attention to the "new" Obama now that he is nominee. He is now running to the center, trying to get white votes by calling out black men. As a single woman who gets no child support, trust me on this: They are going to be pissed!

I had been saying when he gave that speech in Pennsylvania, he should be telling black men to take care of their kids because the destruction of the black family is at the root of the problems in the black community. Now that he has, men like Dr. Mark Lamont Hill is criticising him, saying he is letting the Government off the hook. Am I missing something? Is it the government impregnating women and walking away? Dr. Hill claims men are not willing to work because their money is taken away, therefore they have no incentive to work. He also claims some are not able to because of drugs or mental illness. How then, does he explain able bodied men not supporting their kids? How about professional athletes, musicians (rappers), and celebreties who have the means but are still not supporting their kids? I knew sooner or later, he would say something to get the white votes but would anger the black people. Welcome to politics Obama!

Hypocrisy: What Change Can We Expect?

First Jim Johnson, now Chris Dodd (D,CT) and kent Conrad(D,ND) senator. The hypocrisy of Washington politicians never ceases to amaze me. Here was Obama running around during the Primary hammering corporations, and Countrywide Bank in particular and he goes and select Jim Johnson to head up his VP selection committee. Did he not vet the man? Oh wait! No he did not and didn't feel he should but a day later, Poof! Gone!

No there this potentially big scandal brewing if Republicans get their way and have hearing about conflict of interest about the mortgage loans they received. Why does none of these things surprise me, since Democrats are always accusing Republicans of snuggling up to and protecting big Corporations. I s this what Obama thinks he's going to change? Everyone is Washington is either a lobbyist, friends of lobbyists and people who know how washington works! The idea that Obama is going to come to Washington, become President, and NEVER has anything to do with these people, particularly since he is a neophyte is so ludicrous it is not even funny.

Gore Endorsed Obama: Big Deal

So, Al Gore finally endorsed Obama: Wahat a colassal surprise! Really, who was he going to endorse, McCain? There is nobody left to make a choice about except Obama! Would have been nice, and when it mattered to have endorsed earlier. No surprise though, this is Gore we're talking about. He has no backbone! And why is everyone acting like he's the prodigal son? The manb had a sure thing in 2000 and f---d it up because he was too holier than thou to ask for Bill Clinton's help to elect him because of the Monica scandal. Even so, he lost Tennessee and Arkansas, which had he won both, he would have been President. I see no benefit to the endorsement now... what is it supposed to do for Obama? Maybe win Michigan, which McCain is now leading? From what I'm hearing, Michigan is none too happy with Gore so what is the point of doing it there or at all?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hillary Does Not want To Be VP

The Clintons are not dead. Why? Because Obama has not won yet. Hasn't anyone ever told you never to count your chickens before they hatch?

When Obama loses...and he will, I cannot wait to listen and laugh at all the excuses and recriminations that will surely follow.

It does not matter who Obama puts on the ticket because people vote for President, not Vice President. If he could not get these voters in the Democratic Primary, he certainly won't get them in the General Election.

By the way, I'm certain Hillary does not want to be Obama's running mate. Why would she want to be on a losing ticket? He barely gets the nomination, got no bounce, and can't seem to get a big lead on McCain and yet people like you seem to think he'll win the General Election. Have you seen the high percentage of undecideds?

Of course, the articles on Obama's loss will be blaming Hillary, not the fact that Obama had shown an inability to secure the type of voters who sway elections, the Hillary voters. he thinks, incorrectly in my humble opinion, that he will win with young voters and the black vote. How stupid to gamble on someone with a unproven strategy to redraw the electoral map.

The Sudden Death of Tim Russert

I was absolutely shocked at the news of Tim Russert's death. Then it gave way to anger, strangely. Who would have predicted that he would be dead at this point in the election season?

I have to say I have watched political talk shows from the moment I came to America because I wanted to know how the country functioned and learn everything I could about the inner working of Washington and who the power brokers were. I remember watching Edward R. Morrow and David Brinkley on Sunday mornings, then Night line every night with Ted Koppel; such was my love of all things politics.

When Tim Russert took over Meet The Press I watched religiously every Sunday morning to learn about the current issues of the moment. If there was special programming and it would be on earlier, like last week when the Men's final from the French Open would be on, I would set my alarm to wake up early and watch. Tim Russert would flush out the core of an issue and would not let a guest run away from a previous position: He would famously put up a prior quote to illustrate that the guest has strayed or changed his/position. My week was not complete and my political bearings was not secure unless I watched Meet The Press moderated by Tim Russert.

However, I have to say, that recently I have been angry with Tim Russert and the others at NBC and MSNBC because of the way they have covered the Democratic race between Obama and Hillary Clinton. I think Russert had departed from his usual unquestioned professional standards and had shown favoritism towards Obama on numerous occasions. He was brutally efficient when Hillary appeared on the show in the Spring. However, he was very lenient and passive on Obama after the Reverend Wright thing blew up. I anxiously watched to see if Obama was going to get the grilling he (Russert) was famous for but instead I came away from watching that appearance losing a lot of respect for Russert. Then, on the night of the Indiana and North Carolina Primaries, I was extremely angry when he proclaimed Obama as the Democratic nominee and declared the race over. I had expected him to be the consummate professional that I had watched religiously every Sunday morning but was disappointed to discover that he was a Left Wing Partisan, and made no secret about this, along with his colleagues at NBC and MSNBC.

Having expressed my disappointment as a Hillary Clinton supporter about the coverage of the campaign, I have to say that Russert knew his stuff. He could make or break your campaign. That is why when he declared the race over, Hillary's supporters were livid. Conversely, we were mad when he grilled Hillary about her Irag vote and forced her to finally admit that the vote was a mistake. As Chris Matthews put it: He pulled in the marlin (or something to that effect). he took great pleasure in doing so too. In the same debate he asked about the new Russian President, Medvedev and seemed to direct the question to Hillary instead of Obama. I can't hide my anger about Russert's softball interview with Obama but I can say that I relied on his considerable knowledge about politics and it was crucial to my continued interest and fanaticism about politics. I respected him as a journalist until recently. I just wished he had not been too obvious in his preference for Obama over Hillary Clinton, which caused me to essentially boycott all NBC affiliates. Even as I did so, I still was drawn to Meet The Press although I did not stay the entire hour.

I wonder what effect his passing will have on the Presidential race? Obama has received extraordinarily favorable treatment from the media, especially at MSNBC and it will be interesting to see if, in light of Russert's sudden passing, that that will continue. I have no doubt that Russert thought he would be around to cover the General Election and it will be strange to not have him on Meet The Press in the month's leading up to the Conventions and the General Election. In fact, I think his passing will be a huge void for NBC to fill and I can't imagine anyone on the landscape that could step in his shoes. One name does come to mind though: David Gregory.

God speed Russert. I would have returned to Meet The Press eventually when my anger subsided. Unfortunately you left this p[lace too soon.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We Must Donate To Help Pay Hillary's Debt

The Camapign is Over. The Nomination was to Obama. Now we must help Hillary by donating money to pay off her debts.

I just read an article by Jim Meyers on NewsMax indicating that Obama and his campaign were unwilling to help pay off her debts.

If each of her 18 million of her supporters contribute A mere $5, she'll be able to pay off her debts and have money remaing to begin her run in 2012.

What do you say? Will You all take up the challenge and join me in raising the money to pay off Hillary's debts? I want to do this because I am tired of hearing all the Clinton haters and Obamabots declaring that he is reluctant to pay off her debts. If we do this, she will be independent and not beholden to Obama

The Campaign is Over. The Nomination was to Obama. Now we must help Hillary by donating money to pay off her debts.

I just read an article by Jim Meyers on NewsMax indicating that Obama and his campaign were unwilling to help pay off her debts.

If each of her 18 million of her supporters contribute A mere $5, she'll be able to pay off her debts and have money remaining to begin her run in 2012.

What do you say? Will You all take up the challenge and join me in raising the money to pay off Hillary's debts? I want to do this because I am tired of hearing all the Clinton haters and Obamabots declaring that he is reluctant to pay off her debts. If we do this, she will be independent and not beholden to Obama.

By the way, David Plouffe, an Obama campaign manager had the nerve to send me a letter on the DNC web site requesting money when they are flushed with money and refuses to pay Hillary's debts (standard in campaigns).

If this is something that you thinks is worthwhile, I am willing to start a group and link it to Hillary's site.

Hillary Under Fire In Bosnia Was True?

According to youtube video, footage has emerged that corroborates Hillary's recollections about being under fire in Bosnia. let's wait and see if this story is flushed out. If true, the media has grossly done Hillary a disservice.

Someone Finally Gets It

At last, a journalist has finally tapped into the level of anger that Hillary's supporters are feeling and the denial by the Democrats, DNC, Obama Campaign and the MSM who are declaring that we will come home. They are definitely in denial and does not seem to have captured the true sentiment of her supporters who are watching, listening and paying close attention to everything that's been said about Hillary and Bill Clinton. They seem to believe that this is all about sour grapes and eventually we will "get over it." Maybe if the Campaign did not include insults, sexism, Media involvement in the selection, and the DNC's apparent "selection" of Obama despite Wright, Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko, Pflager, and evidence that Obama is a weak candidate. Maybe if we did not feel that Hillary was thrown overboard by the Democrats and the DNC who had given her their word that they would support her or would remain "neutral."

Bonnie Erbe's article: "Obama and the Democrats Owe Hillary Clinton and Her Supporters a Formal Apology for the Campaign's Sexism" captures the intensity of the anger and disappointment we, the Clinton supporters have felt throughout this process. We don't want to be told what we should do, we don't want to be ridiculed about our reluctance to vote for Obama. We are not sheeps to be led to slaughter. We have a mind of our own and we don't believe Obama is trustworthy. We don't care for the threats about the Supreme Court, War, and the Economy. And we definitely don't take kindly to being called racists because we won't vote for Obama. I did not vote for Bush in 2004 not because I dislike white people; I voted for Kerry because I thought he would make a better President. There is also that little factor called trust. I just don't trust Obama.

John McCain is my Senator in the U.S. Congress, he has helped me on several occasions with Immigration and Student Loans issues...and in a timely and effective manner. I have been pleased with the outcome of my interactions with his office. I was a loyal Democrat until recently (now and Independent) and I don't know if I'll vote for him but I know this: I like him, I respect him, he has been Independent on many issues, He's from Arizona and HE IS NOT BUSH.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Haters Won't Leave Hillary Alone

Even as Hillary Clinton dropped out of the nomination process and regrettably endorsed the unqualified Obama, his supporters just aren't satisfied. They are still spewing hatred, talking about she didn't do it quickly enough. If it wasn't for her misguided sense of party unity, she would be running as an Independent. After all, it was "the party" that allowed her to be subjected to unrelenting sexism by Obama and the media, and then the "big wigs" she trusted to "vote for the stronger candidate" threw her overboard. I don't know how she gave that speech Saturday. As far as I'm concerned, she owes them nothing more...she has done enough.

The people talking about Hillary and Bill Clinton should campaign for Obama...they need to remember that he wanted "change." If that is the case, why would he want Hillary and Bill Clinton's help? Shouldn't he be out there presching his message of change? Wouldn't their campaigning for him "remind" people of what Obama wants to change? Does anyone see the irony in this hypocrisy? This just reinforces my belief and that there will be no "new way of doing things in Washington." Obama is taking his cue from all the same "old" people who have been recycled to run his campaign. It will be politics as usual. More of nothing. That's if he manages to get himself elected. Oh, that's right, Bill Clinton should help elect him so he can say he was a better President. Not a chance in hell!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Response To Howard Dean Letter


Yeah, well you should have vigorously pushed and made sure there was a re-vote in FL and MI. But of course that would have meant Obma would have been caught in "pledged" delegates wouldn't it. I noticed he rewarded you for your inaction by keeping you on as Chairman. Congratulations!

You did not exhibit leadership and sat by and let the blatant sexism continue. The RBC took delegates from Hillary and claim that was fair? She did not lose, it was "given" to Obama. Superdelegates were supposed to pick the stronger candidate to win. I hope when Obama falls short, I don't hear anyone blaming Hillary Clinton. I hope then you, Nancy Pelosi, harry Reid and all the people who stabbed Hillary in the back swallows the bitter bill.

You say you have been there...I don't recall anyone pressuring you to bring your supporters to Kerry. I know this because I was a supporter and campaigner for Kerry/Edwards in 2004. Your supporters were not behind him, otherwise he would have won.

I must inform you that due to the bias and sexism I saw in the media and the Democratic Party toward Hillary, I switched party affiliation.

I must inform you that due to the bias and sexism I saw in the media and the Democratic Party toward Hillary, I switched party affiliation. calls for her to quit the race, and placating her as if her candidacy was a joke was incredibly offensive.

I had voted Democrat since I became a U.S. citizen in 2001. I came to America in 1983 and view the Democratic Part as the Party of everyone, the party that cared about the issues of women but during this campaign that is not what I saw. I was disappointing.

Transcript of Hillary's speech and Video


Picture gallery of Hillary's campaign

Links To Read To Learn The Truth About Obama


Obama’s Pastor Celebrates 9/11 (explicit)Only 5 Days After 3,000 Americans Killed

Jeremiah Wright Says America Deserved 9/11

Obama’s Racially-Divisive Pastor

Father Pfleger Calls For Reparations & Attacks White Race

Obama Disrespecting U.S. Flag and Anthem

Michael Pfleger: America Will Pay For Raping Colored People

The Audacity of Barack Hussein Obama

The Audacity of Barack Hussein Obama 2

Is Obama Wright? - Pastor Wright & Senator Obama

Obama’s Pastor - 9/11 Fault of Israel Association

Name Obama’s Accomplishments if you can #1

Name Obama’s Accomplishments if you can #2

Barack Obama: There Will Be Bamboozling

The Two Things Senator Obama Accomplished

The Jeremiah Wright Lifetime Achievement Award

Gaza Strip Palestinians Campaigning for Obama

Barack Obama Doesn’t Want His Daughters ‘Punished’ With a Baby

Obama: Bitter Americans Cling to Guns and Religion

Obama — We Are Building A Religion (Must see!)

LOUIS FARRAKHAN: White Folks, You Owe Us The Whole Country!

Hillary's Speech That Ended Her Historic Camapign

Hillary Clinton gave the speech she had to give. She was pressured to give that speech "for the good of the party." Where was the party when they stabbed her in the back and flooded to Obama? I thought the speech was good and she she all the right things but I could tell that she was not happy to give it. As she said, "this was not the party she expected to give." So, she gave Obama he support and sid she would campaign for him but I don't actually expect her to be doing a lot of camapigning for him. I was surprised that she talked about her 18 million supporters and the glass ceiling (she seemed angry at this point). She also talked about opportunity and obstacles and I have been very inspired by her. I don't care what Peggy Noonan says because in my mind she did not lose the nomination. Rather, it was given to Obama because he did not reach the delegates threshhold on his own accord. I will always love and support her and Bill Clinton even though I am no longer a Democrat.

In my opinion, the Democratic Party is the entity that has gambled with their unprecedented opportunity, given the state the country is in, to win back the White House. "They" are the ones who decided to "give" the nomination to Obama, who did not win a single swing state, and only built up the delegate lead in the caucuses. They know he has problems getting a certain segment of the electorate, and yet, they still gave him the nomination. Hillary did not lose the nomination, it was given to Obama. Did he get the requisite number of delegates to clinch the nomination? No he did not. The "superdelegates" were "supposed" to exercise independent judgement and select the "stronger" person. In my mind, they have not done so, and I am borne out by the actual results, if anyone chooses to debate me on the facts.

The Obama Campaign planted the seed early in the media that it was going to be decided on "pledged" delegates and the "will of the people" and if Obama was not the nominee...there would be "trouble." So, essentially, he was given the nomination because the DNC was afraid of alienating blacks and "young voters" and had nothing to do with what Superdelegates were charged to do...pick the person who can win. The failed in their responsibility. I don't want to hear anyone blaming Hillary Clinton, Racism, or anything else if Obama loses. Why? Because they saw evidence that he was a weak candidate and still made him the nominee. I don't want to hear that Hillary was not "enthusiastic enough in her support today and did not campaign hard enough to deliver her supporters. If they wanted to ensure a win, they should have done the right thing.

The Obama supporters have been downright hostile, mean, rude, and crude in their attitude and comments about Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, and their supporters. Why don't they try and have some manners and ask "nicely" for our votes. You can't crap on people and them expect them to vote for your candidate, regardless of Party or what Hillary Clinton says. You can't hurt people's feelings and then expect them to fall in line with the sexist and unfair Democratic Party. Both Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean both lacked leadership early in the process and basically was pushing Hillary out of the race. And the men who supported Obama, including Patrick Leahy, and Bill Richardson were all sexists, making comment about she "should get out and out to support Obama." Where the hell was Howard Dean when all this was going on?? Even Donna Brazille sat there there on CNN on Tuesday night and HEARD Hillary being referred to as a bitch and said nothing. It wasn't just the men in the Party that was fighting against Hillary, there were plenty of women too. Last Saturday, Brazille made the remark that Hillary was "cheating" because she wanted to be awarded the delegates she actually earned in Michigan. They gave Obama "uncommitted" which he did not earn and "stole 4 of her delegates and "gave" them to Obama. Talk about cheating. Hell, Obama even "rewarded" Dean for his lack of leadership by keeping him in his post as Chairman of the DNC. I thought he wanted "change" from the way things are done in Washington. Give me a break!

There are many issues we Hillary supporters are angry about and calling us names and trying to belittle us is only hardening the "bitter" feelings. We don't need you people, you need us, so I suggest you exercise some humility. Responding to the comment about "getting over it," believe me, I am. So much so that I have switched my affiliation to Independent and is not bound to walk to "party line." I did this 2 days after the Indiana Primary because I was pissed off by the shenanigans in Indiana that night when the refused to report the results of the Primary and had Hillary waiting all night...she finally had to come out and "take the victory." That did it for me. I have not regretted it since. And just so you all know...I am not alone.

Ted Kennedy was not magnanimous in challenging the incumbent Jimmy Carter in 1980 and he was further behind than Hillary was. He took his fight to the convention floor and when he lost, refused to shake Carter's hand. He didn't do a damn thing to "unite the party" so everybody needs to get off Hillary's ass. If, (and I believe when) Obama loses it will be because he is too radical but, they'll look far a scapegoat to blame their woes on. It won't be because they once again has picked a flawed candidate that does not appeal to the wider electorate.

Already today, I have heard men say that she was not enthusiastic enough, that she said the words but she did not mean them, that she was looking down. What the hell do these people want, blood? She endorsed him, she said she would campaign for him, does she have to grovel too? I say hell no! She is doing what is expected for the party even though they betrayed her and gave the job to the younger, inexperienced candidate and killed her dream. They are talking about her and Bill Clinton campaigning to elect him President but if I were Bill Clinton, I would demand a public apology from Obama and his wife for the disparaging way they have talked about his Presidency and his legacy. Bill Clinton should also ask for an apology from blacks for calling him a racist because he isn't and the Obama campaign used demagoguery to portray him that way. Such things don't "go away" because the party wants unity.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Rift Between Hillary and Obama Supporters

You cannot substitute one woman (Sebelius) for another (Clinton), especially if that woman (Clinton) had 18 million people who voted for her and currently controls 1900+ delegates. That is a powerful set of cards she is holding and any attempt to slight her will result in defections the like of which the Democratic Party has not seen since the 1960s when they lost the South.

I suggest they and the media not trivialize the real anger on the part of Clinton supporters. We are paying very close attention to the jokes, the jeers, the unflattering comments, the glee some in the media have been showing, the gloating by BO supporters. In fact, many like myself have already switched to Independent. Remember, We don't need BO. If he wants our votes, he'd better be nice and respectful. His supporter had beeter be nice and respectful also. And while we're on this topic, he'd better tell his wife to stop trashing Bill Clinton's Presidency (he did too) because he isn't a President yet. Bill Clinton was President Twice and he's been marginalizing the man's legacy, praising Republicans and Reagan. What kind of Democrat does that?

The Contents Of The "Alleged" Michelle Obama "Whitey" Tape

If the tape exists, why didn't Hillary's camapign use it, I wonder? Even if it surfaces, I'm sure Obama and the Democrats will excuse it like they have everything else, so far.

I am very sceptical of this story and would have to see it to belive it. I know one thing...if the Republicans have it, it won't be used till close to the General Election, possibly a few days, so we all wait.

I am confident something exists though because I am sure I recognize her on one of Reverend Wright's (Chickens coming home to roost) DVD. Frankly, I'm surprised the media has not recognized her.

I dont think rumors of Obama being a muslim is far-fetched. He might very well be a member of the Nation of Islam. It would not surprise me tht he wasn't a regular attendee of Trinity. His recent exit from Trinity is not a coincident. Why now? Could it be that the tape exists and he's trying to get ahead of it? Obama is nore naive and not as astute as people suggest if he thinks he can survive another revelation, whether or not he's a member of Trinity. We won't forget he was there for 20 years. Besides, reports are that Reverend Wright might not be "retire" after all. That is yrt another reason that Obama likely left Trinity, in addition to Pflager's attack on Hillary.


Bill And Hillary Clinton Should Not Campign

So, now he thinks the world of Bill Clinton's Presidency? H's an "enormous talent." I thought Reagan had "better idea" and Republicans "changed the trajectory of politics." I thought Bill Clinton was old politics. I thought Bill Clinton was the past. So, I wonder...what advice is he seeking now? Oh...let me guess, he wants an actual President to make him President. He wants a President and First lady who he and Michelle hates to put them in the White House. I gotta hand it to him he's got big balls.

Does he really think that after he, his campaign, the media, his supporters, and the once "loyal" blacks painted Bill Clinton as a racist that there's a snowball's chance in hell that that will happen? Especially with him playing coy, talking about he's not talking about VP, putting Caroline Kennedy in charge, Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter talking crap? Does he think they can diss the man's wife and then "expect" him to "unite" and elect him President? He needs to get real... They have treated the Clinton's like dirt. Bill Clinton should NOT campaign and elect him. No Way! Thy should wish him luck and let his "new" "young" supporters and his Superdelegates elect him President.

I'm Sooo Glad I Switched To Independent

Even if Hillary wanted to take it to the convention, the pressure to do so will cause her to back down. Don't get me wrong...I want her to, but she will not be "allowed to." They will threaten her with political ruin, financial ruin and ostracise her. Look at the recent comments by Ed Rendell, Charlie Rangel and others. They told her "it was time to unify the party."

This is the Democratic Party people; they expect you to be loyal, even as they stab you in the back (Hillary). They don't tolerate unilateral ambitions...it's all about the party. And don't ever lose an election! They treat losers like crap! Now, they will be on her case to embrace him, campaign for him, and make him President. All this while they and him, publicly brand her as unfit to be on his ticket. Frankly, I don't know why she would want to but if she does, she should be given the spot. Instead I'm hearing all these d---s talking about it would be a mistake. Talk about bleeping unity!

Hillary will Tow The party Line, Unfortunately...

Unfortunately, Hillary will tow the Party line. She'll concede, proclaim her support for BO because she will be pressured to "unite" their stupid and sexist Party. She has already been pressured to concede so there should be no surprise about what is coming next.

I wish she would become an Independent as I have and leave their Party. Clearly they hate her in the Democratic Party...why else would they make this person the nominee over her, especially since he has shown himself to be a fraud as I have been blogging about for months. I knew he was doing a con job on people.

No surprise, he has kept Howard Dean as the DNC Chairman. Why not? He basically did nothing to encourage the Re-vote in Florida and Michigan, neither did he encourage a fair awarding of the delegates, ensuring Obama the nomination. So, of course he was going to reward him. Is anyone surprised about this? I sure as hell am not.

No Regrets

Democrats always scare people with the threat that Republicans will overturn roe V. Wade, scare old people about their social security checks, and act like they care about poor people. They want people of modest means to be dependent on them...that way, they solidify their power. Republicans scare America with National Security and Raising Taxes, Democrats do it with Economic and Social issues. They are no different in my opinion.

I happen to think that one should vote their conscience and their values. If a person claims to be one thing, then you discover he is not, you have to do what is right for you. Now, I am bothered and distressed about what I learned about Trinity and Obama's associations. If that doesn't bother the Democratic Party, and he still gets the nomination, then clearly my values are not respected. Therefore, I have removed myself from the Democratic Party with no regrets.

Why Was Hillary Rejected For Obama?

The Democratic party apparently has a death wish. They have chosen Obama over Hillary Clinton despite the unsavory associations and obvious anti-American radicalism that has emerged from his church, which he has only recently left. Lets face it, when Obama introduced himself as a post-racial candidate, someone who was supposedly new and fresh and proposed "change" nobody knew about Reverend Wright, Father Pflager. His image has taken a hit. People now see him as just another black candidate with left wing views who has exhibted poor judgement in selecting his friends and associates, not to mention his character.

What I am still trying to figure out and accept is that my former Party, The Democratic Party has decided to stick with him even after these vile associations were revealed. Why have they stuck with him and has cast out Hillary Clinton? One has to ask this question: Does The Democratic Party hate Bill and Hillary Clinton so much that they are willing to chance the White House? Are they willing to lose rather than make Hillary President. Apparently that is the case. Obama has not condemned the Trinity, Reverend Wright, or Father Pflager. Neither did the Democratic Party. Clearly, the Democratic Party must be desensitized about what has been going on at Trinity for the Past 20 years while Obama and Michelle were members. Why else would Democrats have given them a pass? Apparently it was not that important to disqualify him as the Democratic Nominee. Somehow, I think a lot of Americans might have a different view.

Only this past Sunday did Howard Dean spoke about the sexism in the media. He did not specifically condemn sexism against Hillary. I'm wondering; where was Howard Dean and the other members of the Party when Hillary was being attacked and ridiculed? Now we are at the end of the process and suddenly it is wrong? maybe the outcome would have been different if the Party had spoken out. But we couldn't have anything that might derail Obama, could we?

The irony is that now everyone wants Hillary to "unite the party" so they can crown Obama. These people stabbed her in the back, and yet, they are bitching about her not endorsing Obama the same night they "gave" him the nomination. These people are like dog naam dog. They will turn on and devour their own in a New York minute (pun intended). They have forced her to concede, even as Obama's supporters are disrespecting her, campaigning against her as his VP, whether she wants to be or not. You do not endear yourself to someone when you treat her like crap. Especially if she has a 18 million strong coalition and you "need" her to win. She has nothing else to lose, remember, since her "dream" was "taken away" and "given" to him, so why should she be magnanimous?

What I do not want to see is Hillary running around the country campaigning with him, acting as if she is "happy" to be doing so. And...Bill Clinton SHOULD NOT camapign for Obama because he was out there minimizing his Presidency.

This talk about party unity is a bunch of bull. The Democratic Party claerly does not want any part of the Clintons and the "blue collar" voters because they now think they have the youth vote. I would caution them that this group has consistently shown themselves to be unreliable voters time after time.

They talk about OPbama expanding the Party. What about the 18 million voters Hillary Clinton brought in? That is not irelevant by any means. They are women, Hispanics, and blue collar voters... a much more relaible voting block.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Holding a Gun To Hillary's Head

Lanny Davis, former Bill Clinton special counsel, and longtime friend of Hillary Clinton has been circulating a petition to get Hillary Clinton the VP spot. He says he's doing it on his own, without the urging of Hillary or her campaign. Incidentally, Bob Johnson, BET Founder and major Democratic Party Donor, also sent a letter to Obama urging him to choose Hillary as his running mate. Obama, his wife Michelle (who hates Hillary), and his backers are deathly against the idea. The latest is Jimmy Carter, who today told the press it would be the biggest mistake Obama could make. What else is new...more hating on Hillary by the "white men" in the Party.

Meanwhile, Lanny Davis is upset that the Obama Camapign is mad that Hillary did not "use the right language" last night, supposedly because she did not concede, drop out, and end her campaign forthwith. According to Davis, they (Obama supporters), most notably a prominent one, have been emailing him and threatening Hillary. As Lanny David puts it...they are holding a gun to her head. Sounds like David Axelrod to me.

I also heard that Obama hasd named Caroline Kennedy and Eric Holder (Clinton employee) and Johnson (Head of Fannie Mae) to vet VP choices. All I can say is...so what. If they think they can diss Hillary and pick a "white man" or another "white woman" to get her supporters, they will rue the day. I think they are underestimating the ferocity of the dislike for Obama by Hillary's supporters.


Further Comments To Hillary

I just read a news report on MSNBC (taking it with a grain of salt) that the campaign will be suspended on Friday.

Do not Abandon, on Suspend your campaign. That way, if a bombshell happens, you will be available to be the nominee after they (Party) recognize the error of their ways.

There is a report of a bombshell that is coming so be available to step in When they need you. Apparently there exists a tape of Obama's wife making incendiary racial remarks at Trinity Church. The country will not tolerate another display like what we have seen and will never forgive Obama.

Also, REZKO was convicted today. Who knows what else may happen? But, for now suspend your campaign and act magnanimous.

My Letter of Support To Hillary

I wanted to say I am proud and honored to have witnessed the historic race you ran against Obama. I just fundamentally believe you are the more qualified and and stronger candidate to beat John McCain. Sadly, the Democratic Party chose to select the most inexperienced and least vetted candidate in the Party's history.

I am sad and depressed about the outcome, the fact that superdelegates betrayed you, the fact that the media aided Obama in securing the nomination and reveled in the fact that you did not receive the nomination. I hear the pundits saying you should accept "defeat" and concede. Well, one only does that if one was beaten fair and square. That did not occur, not by a long shot. They talk about the "defeat" of the Clinton Dynasty but don't listen to them. They cannot eliminate Bill Clinton's Presidency and Obama is not a President yet.

Regarding this concession: Do it on your timetable. Don't be rushed by these people and Party be damned. They have their golden boy so what do they want from you? They claim he is this "change" candidate and your not much of a change and yet, they want you to back him and help to make him President, even as his supporter have openly and blatantly claimed you are not a good leader and does not appeal to Obama higher aspirations. All I can say is those are some of the same people that live in glass houses throwing stones.

Regarding this VP discussion: It is clear that he and his supporters does not want you on "his" ticket. I for one think it is a bad idea, especially if he loses. However, I understand you have worked hard and if you desire to be the VP and you are selected, I will seriously think of supporting the ticket as I am no longer a Democrat. You see, I switched to Independent the day after the Indiana Primary because I was so disgusted with the shenanigans that night. I was not an easy decision. I have to admit, it would be strange to see you at the "bottom" of the ticket when we all know you should be at the top.

I know you will be scrutinized by everyone, your words will be dissected to see if you are "doing everything" to elect Obama. My question is: Why should you, when people betrayed you for him? What do they expect you to do? More importantly, what do you get in return? If it is the VP you desire to bring along your 18 Million supporters...then by all means demand it.

It's Finally Over, Or Is It?

Well, the primaries are finally over but there was no concession speech from Hillary Clinton. She won South Dakota...didn't do her a damn bit of good though, which is a pity. You see, the Democratic Superdelegates (just enough of them)finally got a backbone and endorsed Obama even as the people of Montana and South Dakota were still voting. They sure as hell didn't give Hillary Clinton any respect by doing so. Earlier on FOX AND FRIENDS, Geraldine Ferraro indicated that she hoped Obama and his campaign would give her the respect to close out her campaign with dignity. That of course did not happen. So, is it any wonder then that she did not concede the race to Obama last night and "wrap her arms around him? I think there was some payback going on last night with Hillary. It's as if she was saying...you disrespected me while people were still voting and now I'm going to demand my position on the stage because I deserve to be here: "18 million voters have told me I deserve to be here, and you know what Barack Obama, Superdelegates may have put you over the top but I know I am stronger than you and I have more votes than you."

During her speech, she referenced the question: What does Hillary want? In addition to her policy positions, ie Universal Health Care and Education, she indicated that she wanted RESPECT for her supporters. I am sure she felt disrespected by Obama and his endorsers yesterday who wouldn't even give her the stage for one measly night to go out in style...he just had to rub it in, by claiming he "effectively" has the nomination early in the day. He did the same thing Saturday...claiming magnanimity by "allowing" her to have 69 delegates to his 59, stealing 4 of her delegates in the process. He took his name off the ballot voluntarily, told people to vote "uncommitted" and gladly took those delegates. Then Donna Brazile had the nerve to voice her charge that Hillary was somehow violating rules and that amounted to "cheating." How about the fact that the RBC violated their own rules when they gave him "any" delegates? The least he could have done was to have them seat the delegates as people voted, giving her 73 delegates to his 55. But noooooo, he had to be ruthless.

I don't know Hillary Clinton but I would imagine that she is a very proud woman and was peeved by what Obama did. I'm sure it reinforced her and her supporters' (myself included)charge that Obama and his supporters (including journalists) has been sexist towards her and he has benefited enormously at her expense. And now he expected her to concede so he could claim he is the nominee in "rock star style?" I think Hillary realized that last night she was in control of the agenda and demonstrated to Obama that hey, I'm still a heavyweight in this party and don't you forget it Obama. I was sad she was not accepting the nomination but I loved it when she denied him the ability to be gloat. Well done Hillary, well done.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pflager: The Newest Racist (Color Be damned)


Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama Diatribe Tape?



Bob Beckel

Obama Leaves Church


Young Voters and Blacks Will Not Deliver


Hillary Has The Popular Vote


Pig Headed Democrats Will Lose In November


Hillary Backs Obama Into a Corner


White Women Are Angry


Is This The Same Man That called Hillary a Racist?

Is this the same Bob Herbert who criticized Hillary for being a racist when she pointed out, correctly, according to the AP article, that Obama was losing support when she stated that: "I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

Now comes Bob Herbert's confusion about Obama's "sudden" departure from Trinity United and whether it is a place that is "good for the soul."

This is Herbert being forced to actually acknowledge the facts.

"Senator Obama's effort to counter that line of attack has been all-but-completely undermined by the incredible shrieking pastors from the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, a place that might be good for the soul but is potentially ruinous for a presidential aspirant."

No wonder he is confused. He and all the black journalists, including Gene Robinson of the Washington Post, and all the others on CNN have been continuously making excuses for Obama, Trinity, Wright, and Michelle Obama, talking about the media and everyone taking that crap out of "context, how we don't understand the black church," as if I've never been in black churches all my life." Let's face it...what has been going on at Trinity has been Anti-American, Anti-white, racist, and yes... sexist behavior.

If Trinity was "good for the soul" then why was it necessary for Obama to leave the church and claim it was distracting to his candidacy? It was purely a political decision that made to limit the damage to his Presidential aspirations. Maybe none of that matters to Democrats, which is why I am no longer a Democrat, but other Americans are deeply offended and disturbed by it.

Herbert now acknowledges that there is a big problem with the rhetoric coming out of Trinity Church. He writes.

"First came the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. with his videotaped, over-the-top sermons. He didn't just criticize the United States, but damned it. The Wright controversy was a body blow to the Obama campaign, and it hasn't fully recovered yet.
I made a crack in a column last week that Senator Clinton, who had no discernible route to her party's nomination, was waiting for a Rev. Wright on steroids to burst into view.

Within days, we had the astounding video of the Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Catholic priest who put on a grotesque performance in the church that could hardly have been more racially offensive toward white people or more personally offensive toward Senator Clinton.

His rant, cheered by the audience, was one of the worst I've seen in many years. Senator Obama announced on Saturday that he had quit the church.

What was really gross about Pflager's and Wright's performances is the fact that people were standing and cheering, even at the National Press Club.

I think whites are only now realizing how deep the hatred in the black community goes, even among well-off and influential blacks. What a shock it must have been to realize that they associate with, work with, and socialize with blacks, yet have no idea who they truly are.

Obama "Effectively" The Nominee

According to the Associated Press, Obama is effectively the Democratic Party's nominee for the Presidency. It is not clear what the AP is basing this on...Has the Superdelegates told Obama that he has the numbers? At one point this morning he was 40.5 short of the 2118 (the new number?), then there were reports he had picked up 10new Superdelegates around/about 2:30 Eastern Time, which meant he was only 30.5 delegates short of the nomination. Maybe the AP has a source within the Obama Campaign who was the source.

I don't know what the big hullabaloo is all about. I think it has been known for quite some time that Obama was the "selected" choice of the Democratic Party...in my opinion, as far back as February when Supers flooded to him, maybe even farther back to January when Kennedy endorsed him. To me, that endorsement gave Obama legitimacy, something he did not have previously. Hillary's Campaign did not plan a strategy for the Caucuses as I thought they should and that was when Obama got the lead. Since then, nothing Hillary Clinton did or said was going to matter to these people. Winning the Big States that has to be won in November by significant margins, trouncing him in WV, KY and now Puerto Rico meant squat. Even when Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Bitter Gate, Michele Obama's statements, and now Pflager has surfaced...the Democratic Party didn't give a damn how damaging any or all of that was or could potentially be in the General Election. They still will go with him and risk the White house because they, the Party big wigs, want the Clintons gone. Any mention of these incidents by Hillary (when asked) or his political opponents was met with charges of racism or an attack on the "black church."

Earlier, the AP was reporting that Hillary would concede that Obama has the delegates to secure the nomination (ALERT!), which prompted Hillary's Campaign to forcefully issue a denial and assert that she will say in her speech tonight at Baruch College that Obama has a "slight lead" in the delegate count. Maybe she is being told something by undeclared Superdelegates that is giving her hope but I can't see the people reversing themselves in favor of her...that is...unless their political futures were at stake. Technically, they could still switch back to her before or during the convention if something momentous happens. According to Bob Beckel who was on Fox and Friends this morning, he is working on a bombshell about Michelle Obama. What that is, or how it will affect the nomination we'll have to see. I suspect it may have to do with the fact that Michelle Obama was in the church during the "chickens coming home to roost" rant by Reverend Wright. Beckel refused to give any hint what this "bombshell" was about but it sounded significant.

All these people who are watching Hillary very closely, scrutinizing her words and talking about how they will be watching for signs that she will not only give "lip service" to support Obama but will work hard to elect him. My question is: why the hell should she elect the ass----? He and his campaign and the Democratic Party has treated her and her family abominably. All these people who gave her their word of support, then stabbed her in the back for this neophyte now wants her to "make nice" and put him in the White House? I don't think so. As a matter of fact, all these Superdelegates who think he can "bring change" need to get off their asses and campaign for him and elect him, since they have so much confidence in him. They even have the f----g gall to say he should not put her on the ticket but want her to "unite this f----ed up Party, bring her supporters to him and "give him" the job she deserves! What I think she should do is tell them to kiss her butt and run as an Independent. I would donate to her and vote for her in a nanosecond.

This morning Geraldine Ferraro was on the same show with Bob Beckel and she said she hoped "they" would be respectful and hold off till tomorrow and give Hillary the "stage" to wrap up her Campaign tonight. However, it looks like that won't happen because these people don't care if they hurt her or her supporters. Sure enough, the endorsements have been coming. It was the same thing Saturday at the Rules and Bylaws Meeting...Obama readily took all the "uncommitted" votes even though he was not on the ballot (voluntarily), but even took four of Hillary's delegates! Then, his surrogates who have been pretending they are "uncommitted), namely Donna Brazile, was claiming he had the votes for the 50/50 split. The man was waaaaay ahead, and he could not let her have the 73 delegates she "actually" won? How cold-blooded is that?

I really don't care that Obama is the nominee because I am now a registered Independent and will not vote for him. I don't think Hillary should grovel and take the VP position because he will not win...besides, I think a lot of her supporters still won't vote for him. So, my advice is to stay off the ticket. They don't want her anyway, so she should not force her way onto his ticket where she is not wanted.