Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hep The Woman Retire Her Debt

Fine, he can listen to you people and not help pay her debts. Okay fine then. now leave her supporters alone! Don't bother us for money to support Obama that we need to help Hillary clinton retire her debt. Don't bitch about her big donors not "falling in love" with Obama and opening their wallets. And while we are on this subject, tell them to take us out of their database. Tell David Plouffe to quit sending us emails asking for donations for Obama. Tell Howard Dean and Tom McMahon to quit sending me emails asking for donations because Obama has decided he can do better without taking campaign finance money. Many of you Obama supporters are new to politics so maybe you don't know this: One hand washes the other. He will not get support unless he pays off Hillary's debt. All I can say is: I hope you all have deep pockets with many "small donations."

To Donate to the cause:

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